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Growth Mindset

Young Authors

The following links are useful resources to help guide parents and students through the exciting journey of creative writing. Writing is a long process, which requires a great deal of reading, researching, experimenting, organizing, drafting, editing, proofing, and rewriting… and lots of re-working and rewriting. Many children do not realize the great deal of time and effort that is required in writing a good story or book. The purpose of the Young Authors project is for students to have a greater understanding of what it takes to be an author and illustrator. So the next time they read their favorite book, students will be reading it through a different perspective and appreciation. It takes a lot of hard work, effort, sometimes tears, and laughter, to write a memorable story.


Next to parents, teachers are the most influential people in children's lives. We love care, guide and nurture. We collect baby teeth, check foreheads for fevers, and can punch the little silver dots on top of juice boxes with one swift poke of the straw. We are used to being called Mom and Dad. I wonder: Why don't we have a word that encompasses the spirit of teaching. Motherhood and fatherhood are words. Parenthood is a word. I think teacherhood should be a word, too.

Portraits of the Teacher 

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Formal parent conferences are held after first quarter grades are reported. Conferences may be scheduled during any one of three scheduled days. Special arrangements will be made for parents who cannot meet during the designated conference time. Ongoing parent-teacher communication is encouraged, and parents can expect the principal, teacher, and staff to communicate to each parent through newsletters, phone calls, websites, etc.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

To be announced

Dear Future Generations
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I am not a Label
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